Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I got on The GDI Leader board with this Ad

Carol Here :)

Once thing that I have learned over the years is that sometimes just a small tweek or a word here or there can make ALL the difference in the world with your advertising. I have been using pretty much the same ad for a couple of months, I was happy with the results not thrilled but happy.

Then I tried another ad and all of the sudden I am back on the Global Domains Int. leader board. The image was the same but the wording and adding emotions to the ad really helped. My last ad was good but it didn't tell people the kind of potential income they could make. I go over the ad I was using on my video but I don't show the ad that put me back on the leader board on the video only here on my blog will I show it. I don't even have it listed on my resource page, why? because I want to see who is really reading my blog.

So below you will see my latest ad and image feel free to copy and paste it because that is truly how I am having success by copy and pasting my ads and images to facebook groups. If your not on my Global Domains Int. Team feel free to sign up from my link in the ad. Sometimes it's the little things that make the Biggest Difference!

💥Requirement: Copy and paste 5 ads daily!
💵Earn: $50 - $3,905 per month!
Investment: $10 a month for Back Office!
🙋🏼‍♀️All training provided!=> www.carol.ws


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